Monday, January 6, 2014

possibly 8

Okay a wrap up of the quarter. I have read, tuck everlasting, finished book 1 of the pendragon series, and I have taken a quick break from the second book this quarter.  Also everybody had done the rules for being human blog.  I though that the human blog was actually not a bad blog option, and I liked actually doing the blog, especially since it was during class so we didn't have to do it at home, and like what I am doing at the moment, typing this at the last second.  I have been slacking of typing these, but I don't enjoy reading in their free time as much as other people do.  I will read, but it is definitely not my first choice of something to do in my free time.  That is why i enjoyed the human blog we done earlie

unknown 7

This is the 7th blog I am typing, and this one is about the book, Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt.  I just felt like switching books, and this was the first book to pop out at me when I looking around my house for a new book.  It's a shorter book and pretty easy to read, but I'm okay with that.  It's a book about girls named Winnie who discovers the Tuck family, who has been blessed/cursed to be immortal at their current age.  Many years ago, the Tuck family drank from this mystical stream that made all them stuck at their current age, except their cat.  Their cat was the only one that died from growing old and dying like normal creatures.  No matter what happens, the Tuck family can not die.  This was a mystical thing to 10 year old Winnie who had gotten herself mixed up with this family, and some people that wanted to take this water and sell it.  I liked it, it was easy to read, but it wasn't to childish as some people might say.