Friday, March 21, 2014

Mocking Jay 3

The more and more I read this book, the more and more I am liking the book. I  can't wait to finish the book to read what happens, but at the same time I don't want it to end because this is the last series. I still like the book. There are times where it does seem to get boring, I don't like that, but it is a good place to put the book down and pick it up later. I'm only half way through the book right now, and I can't wait to finish it next quarter. Even though I read the last book in the series 4 years ago I still like this book a lot and I think it is great. I'll finish it next quarter.

Mocking Jay 2

I am still reading the book and it is an awesome book!  I love reading the book because it has a good bit of plot twists that make the book really interesting.  It has a lot of action and interesting plot twists that keep it very entertaining.  I like books that have these twists and action at the same time; even though I don't read much at all, I enjoy these types of books.  The pendragon books that I was reading in the beginning of the year, are still like Mocking Jay, they have action and plot twists that always make me  interested and keep on reading. I can't sit down very long to read a book, or even playing a game, so a book with plot twists keeps me interested, which is why I really like this book.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mocking Jay

For this quarter I am reading the book Mocking Jay, which is the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy.  I had read the other two books in the series a couple years ago, and I really enjoyed them so I decided to finish the series.  I have not finished the book but from what I have read, I really enjoy this book.  It picks right up from the second book, Catching Fire, and goes right on the story line.  It is great because it now shows all of the connections clearly, that were in the previous books, but fogged a little. It explains a lot of the plans, like when Katniss was taken out of the arena, and how Haymich planned the entire thing.  Here, Katniss really notices now what she means in the rebellion, and how much influence she really has.  She went to go to district 8, and there, is where she saw many injured people. that when they saw her, their eyes lit up.  That experience really showed Katniss how much she mattered to everybody else.  I am really looking forward to finishing this book.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

I had decided to type about why, Li Mu Bai wanted to teach Jen, in the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  Li Mu Bai had wanted very strongly to have his own disciple, and have that person to be very strong in the Wudan arts.  Jen was perfect for him to teach because not only was she very talented in the Wudan arts, but she also was advanced enough, that all Li Bu Bai would have to do, would be to guide her.  In his fights that he had with her, he could tell that she was very talented, and knew a lot about the arts.  Jade Fox was able to teach her only a little compared to what she could have really learned.  Li Bu Bai saw that she taught herself fighting techniques that Jade Fox did not even know.  When he saw that, he knew that she not only knew the fighting techniques, but also knew that she was able to fully understand the Wudan scrolls and their meaning; something that not a lot of people can do.  Li Bu Bai desperately wanted to have a disciple, and seeing all of the potential that Jen had, he just wanted to be her master, to guide her and watcher become a great Wudan warrior.

Monday, January 6, 2014

possibly 8

Okay a wrap up of the quarter. I have read, tuck everlasting, finished book 1 of the pendragon series, and I have taken a quick break from the second book this quarter.  Also everybody had done the rules for being human blog.  I though that the human blog was actually not a bad blog option, and I liked actually doing the blog, especially since it was during class so we didn't have to do it at home, and like what I am doing at the moment, typing this at the last second.  I have been slacking of typing these, but I don't enjoy reading in their free time as much as other people do.  I will read, but it is definitely not my first choice of something to do in my free time.  That is why i enjoyed the human blog we done earlie

unknown 7

This is the 7th blog I am typing, and this one is about the book, Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt.  I just felt like switching books, and this was the first book to pop out at me when I looking around my house for a new book.  It's a shorter book and pretty easy to read, but I'm okay with that.  It's a book about girls named Winnie who discovers the Tuck family, who has been blessed/cursed to be immortal at their current age.  Many years ago, the Tuck family drank from this mystical stream that made all them stuck at their current age, except their cat.  Their cat was the only one that died from growing old and dying like normal creatures.  No matter what happens, the Tuck family can not die.  This was a mystical thing to 10 year old Winnie who had gotten herself mixed up with this family, and some people that wanted to take this water and sell it.  I liked it, it was easy to read, but it wasn't to childish as some people might say.